Are your properties ready for the ESG requirements of the future? 

Sign up for our newsletter and get a chance to win an ESG Value Check report for a commercial property.  

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Win an ESG report and unlock your property's potential! 

How do your properties measure up in terms of ESG? Sustainability is no longer just a trend – it has become a crucial factor influencing the real estate market and future investment requirements.

As the first in Denmark, EDC Poul Erik Bech, in collaboration with JLL, now offers ESG reports tailored to the Danish real estate market.

To celebrate the launch of our ESG report service, we are giving away two ESG Value Check reports.

All newsletter subscribers who sign up for the competition by January 16, 2025, will be entered into the draw.

Don't miss your chance to participate – sign up today!

Copyright © 2020 - EDC Poul Erik Bech 


Vores nyhedsbrev holder dig orienteret om de nyeste tendenser og ejendomme på markedet.

Tilmeld nyheder

We are very pleased to now provide various ESG reports to the Danish real estate market in partnership with JLL. If a client needs a brief overview of a property, we prepare an ESG Value Check. However, if a client requires an in-depth ESG report for a transaction or due diligence, whether for a single commercial property, property portfolios, or residential rental properties, the scope and complexity of the work is entirely different and much more detailed. Additionally, there are cases where an ESG report also includes financing aspects.

Helle Nielsen Ziersen er Head of EDC International Poul Erik Bech

Læs mere om ESG her

Sign up for our newsletter and get a chance to win an ESG Value Check report for a commercial property. 


Identifikation og vurdering af bygningens eksponering over for klimarelaterede risici (oversvømmelser, hedebølger, storme osv.).

Yderligere faktorer:


Analyse af hovedlejernes ESG-profil og indflydelse på ejendommens bæredygtighedsværdi.


Vurdering af bygningens opvarmningskilde, især om fjernvarme anvendes, og dens bidrag til reduktion af CO₂-udledning.

Formål med ESG Value Check:

At identificere potentielle risici og muligheder relateret til ejendommens ESG-ydeevne.

At sikre, at ejendommen er på linje med relevante klimamål og reguleringer.

At øge ejendomsværdien gennem bæredygtige initiativer og certificeringer.

At hjælpe med strategisk beslutningstagning for ejendomsudvikling og investering.

Denne analyse er afgørende for at sikre, at ejendomme forbliver konkurrencedygtige på et marked med stigende fokus på bæredygtighed og compliance.

Hovedparametre i analysen:

Data og Rating:

Indsamling og evaluering af ESG-data og ratings for ejendommen eller porteføljen.

Værdipåvirkning og Værdidrivere:

Identifikation af, hvordan ESG-forhold påvirker ejendomsværdien (risiko, neutral eller premium).

Specifikke drivere som energiforbrug, CO₂-reduktion og markedets præferencer.

Carbon-relaterede vurderinger:

CRREN-analyser for CO₂-udledning og klimamæssig tilpasning.


Bygningens certificeringer, såsom:

LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)

BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method)

DGNB (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen)

Overensstemmelse med relevante taxonomier, som EU’s grønne taxonomi.

CCREM og Energimæssig ydeevne:

CCREM EUI (Energy Use Intensity): Gennemgang af energiforbrug og effektivitet i forhold til regionale standarder.

EPC (Energy Performance Certificate): Dokumentation af bygningens energiklasse og forbedringsmuligheder.

ESG Value Check:

An ESG Value Check report analyzes key sustainability factors with a focus on data, ESG ratings, and their impact on property value. The report helps identify value drivers and categorizes them as: risk, neutral, or premium.

Particular emphasis is placed on carbon-related factors, including carbon emissions and their impact on the overall value of the property. The report provides a comprehensive overview of your property's ESG potential and future opportunities.

We have made the process simple and straightforward – it only requires minimal information from you. You can quickly and easily receive a professional assessment of your property's ESG potential with no unnecessary hassle.

Note: The report is in English.